
Saturday, 2 July 2011

Titchwell Moving Target Range (MTR) - Norfolk

The second post from a recent few days in Norfolk looks at the remains at RSPB Titchwell and nearby marshes.

The whole area between Hunstanton and the Burnham's have a long history as bombing / target ranges dating from the First War to post second War. Hence making sense of some of remains in the Titchwell area is difficult. Most opinion states that Titchwell was used as Moving Target Range (MTR) for tank gunnery.  It may have also been used as a bombing range - there  is what appears to be a fairly standard quadrant bombing tower at Thornham Point which overlooks Titchwell Marshes.  I am not sure if the tower is second war or post War. There is also the possibility of the area being used as MTR for anti-aircraft gunnery.

There is a good post on the whole area on the Airfield Information Exchange Forum.

Image 1: Shelter at RSPB Titchwell connected with MTR / bombing range
Image 2: Shelter for winch gear that would have pulled the moving targets - RSPB Titchwell
Image 3: Remains of a shelter connected with Titchwell Target Range
Image 4: Standard quadrant bombing tower, Thornham Point
Image 5: View from the tower overlooking Thornham/Titchwell Marshes
Image 6: Curved asbestos hut - Titchwell target Range
Image 7 to 9: Remains of two light tanks apparently used for target practice. They are probably light tanks dating from the 1930's.
Image 10 to 12: Remains of shelter on Brancaster Marshes presumably connected to the ranges in the area. It is a thin walled structure divided into two rooms with a small fire place in the corner of each room.
Image 13: Some of the tank shells recovered during recent sea wall works at RSPB Titchwell. It is interesting to note that in 1944  CE Eastern Command faced the same problem at the Boyton AFV Range (now coincidently also an RSPB Reserve) in that a large quantity of  M61 HE shells failed to explode on the range. The Catchment Board needed to carry out repairs on the sea wall but would not allow workers on site until the shells had been cleared. As a  result the Commander of the range had to carry out 'first aid' repairs on the sea wall in the first instance.


  1. just to point out the two tank wrecks are both shermans :)

  2. Thanks for the comment. I have also read that they were Covenanter A13 Mark III / Cruiser Mark V. I must admit I'm not a tank expert (certainly when in this condition!) so don't really know what they are.

  3. i have been told they are in fact wrecks of DD shermans

  4. They are Covenanters. Shermans are nothing like that.
