
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wilford Bridge, Melton Sun18th Apr - part 1

As promised a few lines on the Second war remains in this area. Any German force that landed in the Bawdsey-Hollesley area would have moved west inland hitting the River Deben. Wilford Bridge was and still is the major crossing point so was heavily defended. Most obvious is the 'Suffolk Square' pillbox on the A1152/B1083 roundabout. Just behind this pillbox the ground rises sharply, with a steep embankment up to the Bromeswell Golf Course. The Golf Course would seem to have destroyed a number of second war remains judging by the amount of concrete etc tipped over this embankment. Clearly identifiable amongst this rubble is the remains of a pillbox blast wall with camouflage paint finish still visible. Also at the bottom of the embankment, some footings for buildings remain. I also came across four angle iron pickets  - the remains of revetting for a weapons-pit? Aerial photos of the area during the war show a complex of defences consisting of Z1 scaffolding, wire obstacles, anti-tank cubes and pillboxes. As well as the Suffolk Square, two type 22's still remain - more on these tomorrow, followed by the discovery of a pillbox that has not been 'officially' recorded before. More importantly, it would seem to be a design that has never been recorded before and is perhaps unique to this location!
Top: Suffolk Square pillbox on the A1152/B1083 roundabout
Middle: Amongst the concrete rubble, the remains of a pillbox blast wall can be identified, still with traces of cammo pint.
Bottom: Four angle iron pickets (revetment for a weapons-pit?) with some of the remaining building footings in the background.

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