
Monday, 1 March 2010

Stopped raining at last!

Mon 1st March
Well its finally stopped raining in Suffolk so managed to get out today (although we should be grateful that Sundays storm did no real damage to the UK). Southwold seemed a good bet after just posting the 7th Royal Sussex on the website. First up was a type 22 on the junction of the A12 and A1095 obviously built to command this important road junction. There is also what appears to be the faint outline of a supporting trench. The entrance of the pillbox faces south (open to the A12) so presumably the post was to guard against any approaches from the north. The pillbox is unusual in that it has two embrasures in each of the five main faces (the sixth being the entrance) - a standard rifle/lmg embrasure and also presumably a pistol embrasure?. Each embrasure is reinforced with a steel plate.
Next stop was Mights Bridge. This road bridge crosses Buss Creek and was a road block as well as being prepared for demolition.Remaining defences included a circular WW1 pillbox (now in bad condition) and a Suffolk Square Pillbox on rising ground to the south. There are also two large concrete blocks on either side of the road remaining from the road block itself.
Hopefully more tomorrow.
Top and second down - Type 22, Southwold Covert on junction of A12 and A1095
Third down - circular WW1 pillbox
Fourth down - Buss Creek
Bottom - Suffolk Square overlooking road block/bridge


  1. It was told to us kids in the 60s that there was a tunnel from the mights creek pill box to another box

  2. We were told as kids in the 60s that there was a tunnel from the mights bridge pill box to another or possibly to a house?

  3. Have you seen the article in this weeks lowestoft journal?
    They mention this pill box and attempts to preserve it.

    1. Hi
      Thanks for this, its good to see a growing interest in preserving what remains of the WW1 and WW2 defences, both key periods in our history
